Monday, 13 August 2007

Vemma diary: week eleven

Monday 13 August 2007

Since my last entry and two migraines later, I am still not sure if Vemma is helping to lesson the number of attacks I suffer from. However, what I am sure about is that it is helping with my general well being (for one, I have not caught a cold or the flu since starting on the programme when others around me have), and if Vemma with all its powerful nutritional and antioxidant properties is having such a positive effect on my health, then I am keen to carry on down the nutrition and diet route and see where it leads me.


Of course I already know that diet plays an important role when it comes to controlling migraine. My food triggers (and also the classic food triggers for migraine sufferers) certainly seem to be chocolate, cheese, red wine and citrus fruits, and I have avoided eating all of them for over 10 years. However I have sometimes wondered if I should be cutting out all dairy products. The other day I read an article about autism, in which it discusses the benefits of putting autistic children on a gluten- and dairy-free diet along with a number of supplements, minerals and vitamins to redress possible biochemical imbalances. The neurologist featured in the article, then went on to say how she advises her intractable migraine patients to have a trial of three weeks of a dairy-free diet, or three months of a gluten-free diet, as they will have fewer headaches because many people are sensitive (not allergic) to dairy and gluten. This is definitely an option to consider, but first I have an appointment with a headache specialist…