Sunday, 4 April 2010

Migraleve, Tiger Balm and Vemma - the essential Vemma toolkit

Vemma diary: March 2010

Wednesday's migraine wasn't any different to the other migraines I have had in recent years. Migraleve - my migraine drug of choice - does a great job in numbing the pain and preventing the sickness. There is, however, the fear that I might take the two pink tablets too late - if, for instance, I sleep through the aura - allowing the full force of the migraine to take hold. In recent years, I'm happy to say this hasn't happened, that is until Wednesday's migraine turned into a double whammy.

After a whole day of battling with a migraine, I was looking forward to recuperating with a full night's sleep, but at 1am I woke with a throbbing headache. As I swallowed more pink tablets, I was reminded of the immense pain of a migraine headache. Not having experienced this for a number of years, I wasn't prepared and I found myself whimpering and in a flummoxed of what to do.

Not being able to sleep and wondering how on earth I used to endure this for many hours at a time, especially when I was in my early teens, I reached for the Tiger Balm that I had bought in Thailand, and in the darkness massaged a load of the stuff into my forehead. The heat of the balm fought to soothe the pain and it seemed to do the trick as eventually I was able to sleep. If this hadn't had worked, I was also considering getting the bottle of Vemma out of the fridge, taking a few massive gulps of the thick orange liquid and then rubbing that into my forehead too!