Saturday 28 March 2009

Vemma diary: March 2009

Cracking bones lessens cracking migraines...

I have started seeing a chiropractor. It turns out I have a curve in my spin and my neck has lost its curve due to a fall I had 5 years ago. I had meaning to go to this chiropractor that had been recommended to me by a friend for quite some time as she specialises in helping with migraines. So it was shock to discover that I would need three months of intensive treatment, with three sessions a week.

During the first 2 weeks of my treatment I experienced quite a few migraines. I already had 2 during the previous 2 weeks on my holiday in Thailand. Normally I would be feeling quite down about this. However, as my muscles start to be released and things start moving back into place then a few migraines is to be expected. Having a reason for a migraine helped me deal with them better and I didn’t let them bother me so much. My chiropractor reassured me that the attacks would lessen and sure enough I’m 6 weeks in with the treatment and I’ve been migraine free for 4 weeks. Result.

When I saw also saw an osteopath recently he said an interesting thing. He said a migraine happens when there are three triggers at once so to eliminate one trigger – muscular tension – will help decrease the frequency of my migraines. Seeing a chiropractor for three months will re-align my body once more, lessening my back and neck pain considerably and this in turn will help me to cure my migraine.

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