Monday, 30 June 2008

Vemma diary: June

Could this be THE migraine cure?

Today I feel excited because I have just read an article in the Daily Mail Online with the heading ‘Clinic offers first surgical migraine cure…by removing a muscle in your forehead’!

This is big news in the migraine world as sufferers can now have an operation to remove a muscle in the head that triggers the attacks.

The article reports that the surgery works by removing the ‘corrugator’ muscle found above the eyebrows. Many, but not all, migraines are triggered by the interaction of this muscle with nerves in the head. As the treatment is only effective against this type of migraine, patients must be screened by having Botox jabs in the forehead to paralyse the corrugator muscle. After eight weeks, if they have experienced significantly few headaches, the hour-long operation can take place. Patients can leave the clinic the same day.

You can read the full article here:

This sounds amazing to me. I know every operation, however small, has a risk, but if the result is a life without migraines then I'd be willing to go under the knife. I'd be interested to know your thoughts.

1 comment:

BiOn said...

Hi, my name is bion.

I have a website that you may want to take a look at it, it's about a way to improve your migraine condition without medication, injection and operation.

Hope this will help you.