Sunday, 9 May 2010

Aspirin 'reduces migraine pain'

I recently saw this story on the BBC News website - Aspirin can reduce migraine symptom pain, review says.

Research suggests that an aspirin can reduce migraine headache pain within two hours for more than half of people who take it. Researchers have also found that a high dose of aspirin also reduces other symptoms of migraine - nausea, vomiting and sensitivity to light or sound.

Wow this is great, but I think I'd be too scared to try it in case the aspirin didn't work in the same way as my usual migraine medication. Would you try using aspirin as your migraine cure? I would be interested to hear your thoughts...

1 comment:

Jeff Vachon said...

I am an energy healer. I have been curing -- yes, curing -- migraines for 15 years. I would love to demonstrate my technique to anyone in southern California who wants to find out more.