Sunday, 4 April 2010

Migraleve, Tiger Balm and Vemma - the essential Vemma toolkit

Vemma diary: March 2010

Wednesday's migraine wasn't any different to the other migraines I have had in recent years. Migraleve - my migraine drug of choice - does a great job in numbing the pain and preventing the sickness. There is, however, the fear that I might take the two pink tablets too late - if, for instance, I sleep through the aura - allowing the full force of the migraine to take hold. In recent years, I'm happy to say this hasn't happened, that is until Wednesday's migraine turned into a double whammy.

After a whole day of battling with a migraine, I was looking forward to recuperating with a full night's sleep, but at 1am I woke with a throbbing headache. As I swallowed more pink tablets, I was reminded of the immense pain of a migraine headache. Not having experienced this for a number of years, I wasn't prepared and I found myself whimpering and in a flummoxed of what to do.

Not being able to sleep and wondering how on earth I used to endure this for many hours at a time, especially when I was in my early teens, I reached for the Tiger Balm that I had bought in Thailand, and in the darkness massaged a load of the stuff into my forehead. The heat of the balm fought to soothe the pain and it seemed to do the trick as eventually I was able to sleep. If this hadn't had worked, I was also considering getting the bottle of Vemma out of the fridge, taking a few massive gulps of the thick orange liquid and then rubbing that into my forehead too!


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Atlanta Plastic Surgeons said...

Of course a balm really helps.I am using a liquid balm these days which tends to have a very good effect on my forehead and I rub it also at the back of my neck which soothes the place and eases out the headaches at times.
sinus surgery Los Angeles

Unknown said...

Stress has long been known to trigger both tension headaches and migraines. Managing stress through the use of relaxation techniques, positive thinking, and time management can help ward off migraines.